
About Me

I published my very first blog post on February 8th, 2012.  The title of the post was "This is me.....Then" and described why I chose this as the name of my blog.

“This is me…..Then” is the third English-language album by Jennifer Lopez, released in November 2002.  I still remember the TV interview where Jennifer Lopez explained why she named her album, “This is me….Then.”  No matter what decisions she made in her life, no matter what the future held, she knew that she was making a record that could be looked back on (by herself, future children, family, friends, foes, etc.) and know that this album expressed who she was and how she felt at that point in time.
When deciding to start this blog, I tried to narrow down the subject matter that I would discuss.  Would it be my marriage and other relationships?  Would it be my spirituality?  Would it be my money/career musings?  Would it be related to pop culture?  My love for dance?  Health? Couponing?  WHAT?
I just couldn't decide.  I have too much going on in this big head of mine.  I have too many interests and too many thoughts.  I just couldn't narrow it down.

Then, my mind wandered to.....not one of my favorite singers.....but definitely one of my favorite celebrities.  She's from the Bronx.  She's gorgeous and she is one of the very few people in the world whose body I would trade in for mine.  I admit.  I have a crush on Ms. Jenny From The Block aka J.Lo aka Jennifer Lopez.

Anywho….this is how I came up with the title for my blog.  Enjoy all of my posts and musings with an understanding that the date for each post has an expiration of the point in time that I wrote it, because I am constantly evolving.  This is me……Then.

My name is Faunya.  I have a Bachelors degree in Finance and work full-time as a Research Analyst, specializing in financial services at a strategy consulting firm in New York City.  I live in New Jersey with my husband of 5 years and my 19 month old daughter. 

I have been married to "Donnie" since February 27th, 2010.  He works in the auto industry, but is also an Uber driver, a professional photographer and an actor.  He also has a passion for helping others, especially inner-city males who have difficulty rising above their current circumstances.


Selah is our Blessing from God.  She was born at a time when we had strong hope and faith, but our circumstances were telling us that we would never be able to have children. My Bella Selah (as I refer to her on Instagram) is the most lively, beautiful, intelligent, silly and perfect little surprise ever!  I couldn't have asked for a better child and all the tribulations was well worth it!

Questions? Concerns?  Interested in working with me?  Feel free to contact me at ThisismeThenBlog@gmail.com

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