
Friday, May 11, 2012

How To Be More Interesting (In 10 Simple Steps) - Forbes

How to be interesting (in 10 stupid-simple steps): (another little article I found to be interesting!  enjoy!)

1.Go exploring.Explore ideas, places, and opinions. The inside of the echo chamber is where all the boring people hang out.

2. Share what you discover.And be generous when you do. Not everybody went exploring with you. Let them live vicariously through your adventures.

3. Do something. Anything.
Dance. Talk. Build. Network. Play. Help. Create. It doesn’t matter what you do, as long as you’re doing it. Sitting around and complaining is not an acceptable form of ‘something,’ in case you were wondering.

4. Embrace your innate weirdness.
No one is normal. Everyone has quirks and insights unique to themselves. Don’t hide these things—they are what make you interesting.

5. Have a cause.
If you don’t give a damn about anything, no one will give a damn about you.

6. Minimize the swagger.
Egos get in the way of ideas. If your arrogance is more obvious than your expertise, you are someone other people avoid.

7. Give it a shot.
Try it out. Play around with a new idea. Do something strange. If you never leave your comfort zone, you won’t grow.

8. Hop off the bandwagon.
If everyone else is doing it, you’re already late to the party.  Do your own thing, and others will hop onto the spiffy wagon you built yourself. Besides, it’s more fun to drive than it is to get pulled around.

9. Grow a pair.Bravery is needed to have contrary opinions and to take unexpected paths. If you’re not courageous, you’re going to be hanging around the water cooler, talking about the guy who actually is.

10. Ignore the scolds.
Boring is safe, and you will be told to behave yourself. The scolds could have, would have, should have. But they didn’t. And they resent you for your adventures.


  1. I think I wrote a blog about changing the game. Increasing your brain activity and try learning and doing new things. Actually these things help aid in preventing memory loss in old age. So basically I concur with this article you found. Nothing is wrong with stepping outside of the box sometimes. I always decide to do things by myself or with new aquaintances I meet along the way. I gives my life much much much more excitement.

    1. Yes, I remember that blog. Not only does it help to prevent memory loss, it helps to prevent all types of dementia, alzheimers, etc.
