
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Doctor, Doctor!

I am just leaving an Information Session and PhD Business School Fair at NYU. 

I am now more inspired and determined than ever to get my PhD. I don't know how I will get into one of these programs or how long it will take me, but (God Willing), I will achieve this goal. 

I wasn't able to stay until the bitter end, but I was able to get so many great nuggets of information during the one our that I was there. Now, I just need to come up with a master plan. 

Step 1:  Continue to work at my job and use the opportunity to become even more involved in research and contributing to original studies/papers. 

Step 2: GMAT  (I will not take the actual test until I get, at least a 700 on my practice test.......I've got a long way to go. *sigh*)

Step 3: Find opportunities to gain even more research experience (particularly in academia) and possibly teaching experience (although this is less necessary). Can I get a side job as a research assistant for a professor?

Step 4: Research schools, research programs, research professors and research academic articles that interest me. The articles are the key in finding the right programs for me. 

Step 5: Decide the next best step. Should I jump right in and apply for the PhD program?  Should I apply for an MBA program because it's less competitive and try to parlay that into a PhD?  Take a few classes and try to parlay that into a PhD?  At this point I will take a step back, evaluate and then decide. 

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